Join us on Sundays 

9:30 am for Sunday School

10:30 am for Discipleship Training

 11:00 am for Morning  Worship

Union Hill

Baptist Church

Rev. Adrian Sweeney, Pastor

...Our History...

For over one hundred years, Union Hill Missionary Baptist Church has been the heart of Utley, Bastrop, and Elgin communities. Union Hill was organized on the First Sunday in April, 1864 by the late Rev. Joshua Brice. During the church history, twelve pastors and nineteen musicians have served.

The pastors were Rev. Joshua Brice, Rev. G.G. Grun, Rev. H.W. Luckett, Rev. Sam Clark, Rev. J.A. Washington, Rev. Jones, Rev. J.A. Thomas, Rev. H.L. Price, Rev. I.W.. Robinson Sr., Rev. J.D. Cleveland, Rev. Aubrey Jackson, and our present pastor, Rev. Adrian Sweeney.

In 1939, under the leadership of Rev. H.L. Price, a new church building was erected with the help of the members of the church and the community.

"And let us not be weary in well doing; for in due season we shall reap," if we faint not."   Galatians 6:9

The Union Hill Missionary Baptist Church did reap a lavish harvest in the year of 1958 when Rev. J.D. Cleveland became our pastor. A young and strong family man, he was determined to do the will of God and to lead the community to higher heights in Christ. In 1958, the church was remodeled. In 1976, an annex was added and in 1979, central heating and air condition were installed, all under the leadership of Rev. J.D. Cleveland.

"So built we the wall; and all the wall was joined together unto the half thereof; for the people had a mind to work."      Nehemiah 4:6

In 1987, the Union Hill Church family realized a new building was needed. The new church was built and on March 6, 1988, Union Hill entered the new sanctuary with thankfulness and praises to God.

Union Hill Baptist Church

1993 Church Congregation

Rev Charles Hunter was ordained February, 2003 and was appointed Assistant Pastor. Rev. Aubrey Jackson was called into ministry May 25, 2008, ordained February 12, 2009 and was appointed Assistant Pastor August, 2009. Union Hill worship services were held on first and third Sundays for many years until until February, 2010 when the church elected to have services every Sunday.

Rev. J.D. Cleveland retired in 2010 after 52 years of faithful service. On May 8, 2010, the church called Rev. Aubrey Jackson to be the next pastor. He was installed July 3, 2010. Pastor Jackson believed that the Holy Bible was the true Word of God and that salvation was by none other than Jesus. 

Pastor Jackson made his transition to heaven in 2019 and the church was without a pastor until May 6, 2023. The church called Rev. Adrian Sweeney to be the next pastor of Union Hill. Rev. Sweeney was installed June 25, 2023.

For over 150 years, Union Hill Missionary Baptist Church has endured and prospered through the Word of God. Since its founding in 1864, the church has been filled with people who have been transformed by the Gospel of Jesus. As we move forward, we look back into our history and realize that this church was built upon the rock with a firm foundation. As we honor the past, celebrate the present, and prepare for the future, we will continue to trust in God because we know He will lead us to higher heights.

"Upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."    Matthew 16: 18

...Early Congregation...